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ATEM Switchers 8.9版軟體更新

ATEM Switchers 8.9版軟體更新
ATEM Switchers 8.9版軟體更新

Blackmagic Design於今日發佈了ATEM Switchers 8.9版軟體更新,本次更新增加了支援新款ATEM 2 M/E Advanced Panel 30和ATEM 2 M/E Advanced Panel 40導播台。

此外,本次更新還改善了ATEM 1 M/E和2 M/E Broadcast Panel的相容性,升級後這兩款設備將可以和目前任何一款ATEM導播台搭配使用。同時,本次更新還為ATEM Advanced Panel增加了烏克蘭語和波蘭語使用者介面支援,進一步完善設備在全球各地的無障礙使用。

新版軟體為ATEM Camera Control Panel和ATEM Software Control增加了使用裝有f/32鏡頭攝影機的支援,讓您可以遠端關閉光圈來獲得全黑畫面效果。

ATEM Switchers 8.9版軟體更新現已推出,免費下載連結:

What's new in ATEM 8.9

· Added support for the ATEM 2 M/E 30 and 40 button Advanced Panels.

· Updated support for the ATEM 1 M/E and 2 M/E Broadcast Panels to enable compatibility with all current ATEM switchers.

· Ukrainian and Polish language support added to all ATEM Advanced Panels.

· f/32 lenses on cameras now supported on ATEM Camera Control Panel and ATEM Software Control.

· General performance and stability updates

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