《DaVinci Resolve 17初學者指南》英文版本手冊公開發行,歡迎下載!
這是一本循序漸進的訓練手冊,涵蓋了全新革命性快編頁面上的高速剪輯功能,該功能專為時間緊迫的工作而設計。內容還包括如何使用傳統剪輯頁面處理複雜性更高的項目,以及如何使用DaVinci Resolve出色的調光功能、Fusion視覺特效和FairlightFX音訊工具,學成後即可立即開始創造自己的好萊塢級影視作品!
• 使用快編頁面所提供的智慧剪輯工具進行快速剪輯。
• 使用快編頁面革命性同步媒體夾對同個場景的多機位畫面進行剪輯。
• 使用快編頁面錄影帶模式,避免由多個媒體夾中搜索片段的步驟。
• 建立專案,導入媒體檔,使用中繼資料加速工作流程。
• 在時間軸上標記所選內容、剪輯片段,並且根據滑鼠位置執行不同的修剪操作。
• 製作標題,增加特效以及關鍵格動畫。
• 使用片段變速、增加轉場和穩定鏡頭。
• 使用Resolve傳奇般的色彩工具進行一級和二級調光。
• 使用鏡頭匹配,色彩管理,建立不同風格並管理複雜調光。
• 應用PowerWindow視窗、跟蹤畫面中的物體、使用曲線並增加ResolveFX特效。
• 在Fusion中,通過基於節點的工作流程創造視覺特效。
• 使用Fairlight音訊工具進行音訊編輯、美化和混音。
• 以網路發佈和電視播出等多種格式完成項目交付。
• 通過書中提供的數十條實用密技和使用技巧來徹底轉變您的工作流程!
本書專為新手和專業人士設計。如果您是剛入行的新手,可以通過書中清晰簡潔的課程學習來快速熟悉並進行實作。如果您是專業人士,並且想要從另一套剪輯系統轉換使用DaVinci Resolve進行製作,也可以通過本書瞭解從基本的剪輯和修剪操作到使用音訊、增加字幕和特效等技能。此外,本書還提供了數十條專業的實用密技和操作技巧,有助於您切換到DaVinci Resolve流程!
《DaVinci Resolve 17初學者指南》,歡迎下載!
⭕Speed Editor 快速剪接盤 詳細介紹:https://bit.ly/3nmJEAW
The Beginner’s Guide to DaVinci Resolve 17 now available!
This step-by-step training guide covers high speed editing on the revolutionary new cut page, which is designed for fast turn around work. You’ll also learn how to use the traditional edit page for more sophisticated projects, along with DaVinci Resolve’s legendary color correction, Fusion VFX and Fairlight audio tools so you can start creating your own Hollywood caliber film and video today!
What You’ll Learn
• Use the cut page’s intelligent editing tools for faster editing.
• Edit multiple angles in a scene with the cut page’s revolutionary sync bin.
• Eliminate hunting for clips in bins by using the source tape on the cut page.
• Set up projects, import media, and apply metadata to speed up your work.
• Marking selections, editing clips in the timeline, and context-sensitive trimming
• Working with titles, adding effects, and animating with keyframes
• Retime clips, add transitions, and stabilize shaky clips
• Primary and secondary corrections using Resolve’s legendary color tools
• Match shots, use color management, create looks, and manage complex grades
• Apply PowerWindows, track objects in a shot, use curves, and add ResolveFX
• Create visual effects in Fusion using node-based workflows
• Audio editing, sweetening, and mixing using Fairlight audio tools
• Deliver projects to a variety of formats such as the web and broadcast
• Dozens of tips and tricks throughout the book that will transform how you work!
This book is designed for both beginners and professionals. Beginners will find clear and concise lessons to get you up and running quickly. If you’re a professional switching from another system, you’ll find lessons that cover everything from basic editing and trimming to working with audio, adding text, effects, and more. You’ll also find dozens of pro tips and tricks that will help you make the switch to DaVinci Resolve!
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